I love a good bath (and my Kindle loves to live life on the edge), but a lot of times the thought of bath balm residue, crusty bath salts, or those little herbal pieces that get caught in the hair nest at the bottom of the drain makes me want to disintegrate.
Lucky for both of us there is something I make that will help with all that!
Bath teas are loose blends of botanicals (usually mixed with salts, powders, or clays) that you can add to your bath for their therapeutic or relaxing properties. You can add these directly to the bathwater, but you can see how that would be messy.

The bath teas I make come in reusable muslin teabags, so you can use them in non-messy ways. Here are my favorite methods, from the least amount of clean-up to the most.
- Hang one up during your shower and get the benefit of aromatic steam.
- Boil them in a cup of water and pour the resulting infusion into your bath.
- Place one directly into the bath water for a few minutes.
Immerse yourself for at least 15 minutes to absorb all of the skin-nourishing and aromatherapy benefits. Exit bath/shower with no herbs in the drain, no soggy salt on the tub, and no bath balm dyes.